Introducing A SaaS Built with SvelteKit, Cloudflare, and AI is a satirical SaaS that generates clever reasons why something isn't your responsibility. Built with SvelteKit, Cloudflare, and AI, this open-source project demonstrates the power of modern web development. Try it out and share the humorous results!

Introducing A SaaS Built with SvelteKit, Cloudflare, and AI
An image with a colourful background containing a title "NotMyProblem" and a subtitle "It's not your problem anymore!".

As developers, we often find ourselves in situations where we're asked to solve problems that aren't really our responsibility. It could be a client requesting features that are out of scope, a manager assigning tasks that belong to another team, or a coworker trying to pass the buck on a difficult bug. In these moments, wouldn't it be nice to have a clever, tongue-in-cheek response at the ready? That's where comes in - a satirical SaaS that generates creative reasons why something simply isn't your problem.

The Tech Stack

Under the hood, is built using a modern web development stack:

  • SvelteKit: A powerful framework for building web applications with Svelte, offering a great developer experience and producing lightweight, high-performance apps
  • TailwindCSS and DaisyUI: Utility-first CSS frameworks that make it a breeze to build modern, responsive UIs without writing custom CSS
  • Cloudflare Pages: A fast, secure, and scalable platform for deploying static websites and serverless functions, with built-in CI/CD and global CDN
  • Cloudflare Workers AI: A cutting-edge AI platform that allows running machine learning models at the edge, enabling low-latency, high-performance AI applications
  • Cloudflare D1: A SQL database built for serverless applications, offering the power of SQL with the ease and scalability of serverless

The frontend of is fully prerendered for optimal performance and SEO, while the backend function that generates the humorous "not my problem" reasons runs on the Cloudflare Edge. The API endpoint is conveniently available at /api/v1/notmyproblem.

Open Source and Transparent

In the spirit of transparency and collaboration, is open-sourced under the permissive Apache 2.0 license. The entire codebase is available on GitHub at jonasclaes/notmyproblem, so anyone can examine how it works under the hood, contribute improvements, or even deploy their own instance. We believe in the power of open source to drive innovation and build community.

Built for Fun and Learning

I created as a fun side project to experiment with several exciting technologies:

  • SvelteKit, a relatively new framework that I wanted to explore for building modern web apps with a great developer experience
  • Cloudflare Workers AI, which makes it easy to run machine learning models at the edge, enabling a whole new class of AI-powered applications
  • Cloudflare D1, a serverless SQL database that integrates seamlessly with Cloudflare Pages, simplifying the stack for full-stack serverless apps

By combining these cutting-edge technologies, I was able to build a functional and entertaining SaaS in just a matter of hours, from the initial setup to deploying the production-ready app. And despite its satirical nature, has proven to be surprisingly popular, generating thousands of witty "not my problem" reasons in its first week of existence.

Building was not only a fun and educational experience, but it also demonstrates the power and flexibility of modern web development tools. With frameworks like SvelteKit, platforms like Cloudflare Pages and Workers, and the ease of integrating AI capabilities, it's never been easier for developers to quickly turn ideas into fully-functional, scalable web applications.

Try it Out

So next time someone tries to dump a problem on you that isn't really your responsibility, head over to and generate a creative, humorous reason why it's simply not your problem. Share the results with your friends and coworkers for a good laugh. And if you're a developer, feel free to dive into the code and see how it all works under the hood. Who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to build your own satirical SaaS!

NotMyProblem - AI Excuse Generator
Let AI help you humorously explain why it’s not your problem. Visit for endless excuses!
NotMyProblem! #3255
I’m already maxed out on stress levels after dealing with the caffeine-deprived designer who still thinks Comic Sans is a good font choice.

Additional Resources


Special thanks to Martijn Degrève for the brilliant idea behind Your wit and humor were the spark that brought this satirical masterpiece to life!